- Eng ladders, promotions & glue work
- all too well.
- Writing effectively in software engineering organizations
- Raspberry Pi setup notes
- On micro-frontends
- Effective storytelling for internal platform teams
- Notes on setting up a JS project, circa 2016: ESLint
- Notes on setting up a JS project, circa 2016: Babel and ES6
- Notes on setting up a JS project, circa 2016: Webpack
- Indeed
- Speaker economics
- Chrome HTTP/2 Log Parser
- Building for HTTP/2
- Five questions
- A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers, 2015
- Writing Unit Tests for Existing JavaScript
- Show & tell at the Times Open Science Fair
- A Baseline for Front-End Developers
- Girls and computers
- Getting Better at JavaScript
- Deferreds coming to jQuery 1.5?
- Thoughts on Working for Yourself
- On speaking at the 2009 jQuery Conference
- On rolling your own
- On jQuery & Large Applications